Individual Tutoring
This is our private instruction with all of the focus on just one student. This premium service provides the student the luxury of getting to work at his/her own pace. It also allows the student to ask for more time or another explanation without concern that other students are waiting impatiently. This is offered on a pay per session basis with no minimum number of sessions required.

Class Instruction​
The classes are taught by the same high quality instructors who do our individual and small group tutoring. These classes run at different times during the year, with each leading up to a target test administration. This is our most budget friendly option, coming in at the lowest per family cost. Dates will be announced as classes are scheduled.
Don't want to wait until we schedule a class? We are open to running a class at your location provided you can guarantee a minimum class size. We can work with you to customize a course for your nonprofit, school, or group.
How We Can Work with You
Small Group Instruction
This is our private instruction for 2-4 students. This works best when all students are of comparable ability. The students can always meet as a group or this option can be used for initial instruction with the students separating when that becomes what is in their best interest. This option significantly lowers the per family cost of instruction. Please note that you must assemble your group on your own; we can't play matchmaker. This is offered on a pay per session basis with no minimum number of sessions required.